Six months of 1:1 mindset + sales coaching and all of the magical results that come with it, completely free?

My business has undergone some massive transformations over the past few months. I'm talking more clients with mind-blowing results, more money in the bank than ever before, and more impact all-around (all during a global pandemic, might I add!).

While I'm seriously feeling #blessed, I know the single best way to keep the good vibes flowing is by passing the gift that is a THRIVING life and biz right along to you.

So in the spirit of graditude, I'm giving away more than ever before! I'm taking a private one-on-one client through my six-month, Future You mindset + sales coaching program on a full scholarship. That means you, me, six months, FO’ FREE.

Yep, the very same program that takes you from feeling like “nothing is working” in your business to shifting your mindset, owning your expertise, putting yourself out there, gaining visibility, and closing sales on repeat to thrive in both life and biz.

The very same program that would normally cost you over $5k can be YOURS with this Future You scholarship.

The best part? I know you don't have a ton of time so I made this application process easy-peasy. Simply enter your email and complete the short application to apply.

It's time to THRIVE! You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

Apply for the Future You Scholarship!

Applications will be accepted through October 11th and I'll be hand-picking a winner on October 12th.*

*Not available to current clients.

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    Amanda Joyce Weber

    Mindset + Sales Coach

    My clients get incredible results. Period.

    "Amanda is the REAL DEAL. Not only did she help us to feel more empowered, own our value, increase our pricing, and become more confident in our proposals, but she also helped us to see that we needed a marketing plan we could rely on to bring in new leads and land new clients.

    We worked on that and so much more, from actioning a better routine to creating more organization, structure, and clarity on our processes. As a team of two, she also helped us to identify better ways to collaborate and work internally.

    The homework she assigns is incredibly powerful and effective. When we get stuck, she’s just a quick message away. She’s motivating and inspiring which we find pushes us to make that extra effort. In our opinion, that means she's a damn good coach.

    Through our work together, we’ve seen more of a following on social media, more clients, more income, and more impact on our community!"

    — Emily + Wheeler, Latitude Studio

    You've never had a coach like me before. And it's exactly what you need.

    Honesty, I think the whole online business coaching industry is pretty effed up. If I see yet another Facebook ad telling you the 'exact blueprint to get ten million dollars in ten minutes' I might just fling my iPhone across the room #sorrynotsorry. Because if it was truly THAT easy, we'd all be swimming in massive amounts of wealth by now.

    But seriously, in this online world, everyone is really quick to tell you what you 'SHOULD' be doing to grow your business without helping you to cultivate the mindset you need to actually take action on it in a way that serves you and gets you results. And THAT, right there, is the problem. Lucky for you, it's also why I'm so freakin' passionate about mindset + sales coaching and why it's the very thing that gets my clients incredible results again and again.

    Because the truth is you don't need another freebie. You don't need another course. You don't need another certification. I'm not saying those things don't work—they probably ALL do for the person sharing them. But how many PDFs have to be collecting dust on your desktop for you to decide you're ready to get out of your own way and cultivate the mindset you need to make those results happen for you?! How many strategies are you willing to try before you go all in on what's aligned to what YOU want and how you want to create it (which consequently also yields WAY more results in life and biz)?

    Tired of it? I thought so.

    Ready for a change? It's yours.

    It's time to cultivate the mindset you need to see BIG results in life and biz with one-on-one mindset and sales coaching.