Attract dream clients and cash…

all by being more YOU

Unlock your core magnetism for 5-figure months

The constant comparison, overthinking, second-guessing, and endless scrolling (that we both know leads nowhere good!) is keeping you stuck and holding you back big time. And honestly, deep down you know that you’re sick of that sh*t too. Not to mention, when has tearing yourself down ever helped you to build your business up?

You may call it imposter syndrome. It may show up when you got to write that post for Instagram or show your face on stories. But whatever you call it, your confidence feels shaky and you struggle to know how to show up online, let alone sell for more clients and cash in your biz.


  • You know what you “should” be doing to grow your biz, but you also know that you’re not doing it
  • You wonder if you really have anything to add to the conversation when there is SO much noise and so many others out there
  • You struggle with imposter syndrome (or if it even really is imposter syndrome?) and wonder if you really have what it takes to hit the 5-figure months you crave
  • You get caught up in the comparison trap more often than you’d like to admit and it’s holding you back big time

You go through the motions and keep spinning your wheels… rework your offers, create the new pdf, fine-tune your website, write a post here and there, or you take program after program on HOW to do all those things but don’t actually DO them… because without the beliefs to back it? Those actions feel empty and your potential clients can feel it.

The truth is that it’s hard to make good money selling yourself short. This mindset is blocking you big time—from more visibility, more sales, more ease, and more money in the bank.

Big results are built by being MORE of who you actually are rather than chasing who you think you “should” be. Because exactly when was trying to be more like someone else the winning move? It isn’t and it’s time to stop playing by someone else’s rules so you can own what makes you absolutely irresistible to your dream clients.


Simply put, your core magnetism is what makes you… YOU. It’s your way of being—who you are at the core before life and societal programming told you otherwise. I’m here to help you unlock what makes you really freaking amazing, so you can step into the spotlight, and truly shine as THAT person which is essential to making more money in your business.

During this free 3-day workshop only available to my close friends on Instagram, I’ll be walking you through the steps to unlocking your core magnetism. Together, we’ll work through a unique combination of journal prompts, visualization audio, and aligned action to support you in showing up as your full self, selling as that person, and becoming an absolute magnet for dream clients who are excited to buy from you.

March 21, 2022
9:00am Mountain Time

Together we'll cover:

  • Daily trainings on IG Stories at 9 am MT with exactly what you need to know to harness the power of your subconscious mind and use it to build confidence in yourself and your business that gets you clients and cash with far more ease (just by being YOU!)
  • Powerful journal prompts for tapping into who you really are and showing up as your full self so you can gain visibility and be a magnet to dream clients who are excited to buy
  • An epic visualization audio that will guide your subconscious mind in uncovering where you may be blocking yourself from the big results you’re after, so you can shift it and access the mindset and energy of 5-figure months so you can finally see them in your reality
  • Next steps for aligned action so you don’t just tap into the energetics of five-figure months but you’re taking the steps to actually create it because both are required for ultimate results and success

Sign up to receive these free resources
(including daily 2-minute trainings on IG, journal prompts, and epic visualization audio!) that are only available to my close friends on IG!

About those 5-figure months…

The truth is that becoming a magnet for dream clients and cash is far easier than you’ve been led to believe and it’s also some of the hardest inner work you’ll ever do.

It’s giving yourself permission to stop triple-checking that client email for a typo and trust yourself to show up as the human being that you are.

It’s feeling so compelled to share your message on IG stories that you don’t even care that it’s 3 pm and you’re still in your pjs because honestly, that’s just how you roll.

It’s recording your first reel even though you might look silly because you know that the right people will want to work with you anyway (and no one’s buying from you for your lip-syncing abilities btw).

It’s ditching the sales script and dropping the occasional swear word on discovery calls because that’s what working with you is ACTUALLY like.

Trusting yourself to show up AS yourself is where the magic lies. And leaning into that and doing the mindset work around it?

Is flat out why my clients get incredible results. Period.

It’s what has supported them in:

  • Hitting their first $10k month
  • Booking their highest paying project at $15k
  • Celebrating an $18k cash month
  • Closing a contract for a $19k retainer
  • Having their first $20k month
  • And their first 6-figure year

All by being MORE of who they are, not less.

And doing the mindset work to fully step into that.

I KNOW that with the right support, five-figure months are absolutely possible for you and it’s what I’m so pumped to support you in during this 3-day event.

Your Mindset + Sales Coach

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset and sales coach who helps online business owners who are struggling behind the scenes to cultivate the mindset they need to land clients and make money on repeat. Through one-on-one coaching and her signature Sincere Sales method, she takes the “ick” out of selling and demystifies what it takes to make money in biz so her clients can truly thrive. Clients have gone on to reduce their working hours, close higher-paying projects, and have their first $20k month. She is also the host of the podcast, One Simple Shift, that teaches entrepreneurs that their biggest results start with one simple mindset shift. She operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man.

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